The Digital Supply Chain Company

Webinars, Videos & Podcasts

As our subject matter experts speak at industry events, as we hold seminars and other events, we’ll share the videos here–to help connect you to the latest trends and insights in MRO. 

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Driving Reliability Thinking in Your MRO Supply Chain

SDI’s Vice President of Strategic Sourcing spoke at this year’s ProcureCon Indirect East in Champion’s...

Innovating for Tomorrow: MRO Supply-Chain-as-a-Service

Outsourcing has been stigmatized as being all about labor arbitrage – shifting the work (whether...

How addressing all components of MRO together leads to astounding results

SDI’s VP of Solution Design, Missy Decker, explains how SDI’s solution design team focuses on...

Improve business performance with end-to-end MRO supply chain management

By helping organizations understand how each link in their MRO supply chain impacts the entire...

Delivering Value by Minimizing Total Cost

Ever wondered about doing a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis for your company? Watch...

Transparency in MRO. How Data Standardization can EMPOWER Enterprises.

Rich Richardson is the Vice President of Emerging Capabilities & Industries at GS1 US. Rich...

MRO: Understanding the Connection Between Risk and Production Reliability.

Joel Levitt is the Director of International Projects with Life Cycle Engineering (LCE). He has...

Innovation Symposium Introduction

SDI CEO, Andy Cvitanov, kicks off the first annual Innovation Symposium for the advancement of...

How MRO Outsourcing is Changing the Shape of Business

Jagdish R. Dalal, COP (Certified Outsourcing Professional) is the Founder and Principal of JDalal Associates,...