The Digital Supply Chain Company

How MRO As-a-Service can embed procurement as the value engine

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Posted by Chris Moore on Sun, 03/20/2016

Spend Matters decribes themselves as bloggers. They were the first blog and social media site in the procurement and supply chain sector. But I’ve come to think of them as research analysts in the procurement and supply chain space, as have many others who value their research around the world. 

Chief Research Officer, Pierre Mitchell, was one of the first to write about procurement as a discreet part of the supply chain. As I (and all of us at SDI) believe that MRO is also a distinct part of the supply chain, indeed a supply chain in its own right, I’ve been following his work closely. He’s recently picked up on MRO As-a-Service as a hot topic. Which is also of interest to me, since my company does MRO As-a-Service for manufacturers and asset-intesive companies throughout North America. 

This article from earlier this month talks about how taking a fresh look at MRO is more strategic than just reducing it down to a spend category. Organizations should look at all spend in the context of supply chains and take a leadership role in applying appropriate supply chain practices to any value chain. Creating value, rather than trying to extract value. You can read the article here:


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