The Digital Supply Chain Company

Jerome Blanc

Scheduled Maintenance: Avoid the Chaos of Emergency Shutdowns

When manufacturing companies look for ways to cut expenses, the maintenance, repair, and operations supply chain (MRO) is often the first area to go under the microscope. However, viewing MRO...

3 MRO Mistakes You Don’t Know You Are Making

Streamlining maintenance, repair, and operations may be the final frontier of cost savings available to many organizations. To fully realize the cost savings and competitive edge strong MRO supply chain...

C is for Control

At Last. The project team has worked its way through Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve. It’s time to begin the Control phase. The key stakeholders gather to evaluate the solution...

The I in teamwork: I is for Improve

Posted by on Sun, 12/20/2015 Where the rubber meets the road. Here’s where the Six Sigma project team starts identifying and implementing solutions. The solution should significantly reduce the influence...

Y=ƒ(X): A is for Analyze

Posted by on Tue, 11/17/2015 Y=ƒ(X) It almost goes without saying that output is a function of input. During the Define phase, the project team identified the “big Y”; the...

Dial M for Measure

Posted by on Tue, 09/08/2015 Previously, we described the Define phase of the Six Sigma methodology.  Once that phase is successfully completed and accepted by the business sponsor and process owner,...

MRO Inventory Management and Reduced Operating Expenses

As a way to reduce expenses, many companies have developed various types of storeroom management strategies to help reduce MRO inventory levels. However, many of these approaches can be improved...

What is Six Sigma? D is for Define

Posted by on Thu, 08/06/2015 Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that takes a scientific approach to resolving process problems, reducing errors and creating quality products, services, teams and...

Why You Need an MRO Provider with In-House Engineering Services

Supply chains involve an incredibly complex arrangement of separate parts, working together as a whole. In any complex system, there are areas where efficiency and productivity can be improved. These...
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