The Digital Supply Chain Company

SDI Introduces SUPPLY CHAIN LINK, your connection to relevant industry news & insights.

SDI Introduces SUPPLY CHAIN LINK, your connection to relevant industry news & insights.
When consumer demand for maintenance, repair, and operations supplies declined dramatically during the pandemic, raw materials suppliers and factories cut back on production. As a result, inventories and supply chains became even more lean. Now as global demand begins to increase rapidly, the shortage of finished goods, WIP, raw materials, and logistics capacity is causing inflationary pressure. The bull whip will hit again as more organizations start to buy ahead of need and hoard materials. Expect the supply chain to normalize in the months and even years ahead.
In response, SDI has created Supply Chain Link. This collection of news aims to provide an understanding of current global supply market conditions, to help identify potential risks, and to aid decisions in implementing solutions to mitigate the risk exposure.
Download your copy today and call us to discuss how your organization can mitigate risk.

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