Act with a sense of urgency without sacrificing quality. Our goal is to help the client realize the benefits of our services as soon as possible. The sooner we implement great ideas, the sooner we realize the positive impact on our business.
What’s in our DNA:
Continually learn, and be willing to pivot. We provide agile, business-outcome-focused solutions. To be agile, we need flexibility and a near-obsessive ability to scale.
What’s in our DNA:
We’re all in this together. We’re all a part of this supply chain ecosystem that we’ve created. It includes our technology, our suppliers and strategic partners, our processes, and our people. All of our people. And it works best when we all work together.
What’s in our DNA:
Lead the industry. We will continue to offer the level of expertise and service that our customers have come to expect, and that is unparalleled in the industry.
What’s in our DNA:
Innovate and make misstakes. SDI has entrepreneurial roots. Let’s take advantage of that and embrace innovation! We need to think differently, be curious, fail fast, and have the courage to challenge the status quo if we’re going to succeed. Let’s listen to everyone’s ideas and be more open to trying new things, even if they don’t work out in the end. Nobody likes failure – but we must accept it, because it’s part of the learning process. We’ll make mistakes. That’s okay. We’ll learn from our mistakes together, and we’ll grow.
What’s in our DNA:
Interested in joining us? See open jobs here.
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