The Digital Supply Chain Company

SDI Co-hosts Innovation Symposium Focusing on Internet of Things & Manufacturing Digitization

SDI Co-hosts Innovation Symposium Focusing on Internet of Things & Manufacturing Digitization
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SDI invites engineering, production, and procurement professionals to learn more about how the Industrial Internet of Things and digitization is transforming manufacturing process.

As the leading provider of maintenance, repair, and operations supply chain services, SDI is proud to join Microsoft as co-host of the June 8th Q2 Innovation Symposium from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Microsoft Technology Center in Malvern, PA. Speakers at the educational and networking event will discuss innovations that are integrating processes, making forecasts more precise, and guiding more proactive decisions.

A.T. Kearney Principal, P.S. Subramaniam will speak on his firm’s approach to digital innovation, which allows production and processing companies to reap the benefits of digitalization without large upfront investments. Instead, Subramaniam advocates starting with a number of small initiatives and controlled experiments. The advantage is that unworkable ideas “fail fast,” costing little while pointing the organization in new directions (pivoting) and greater refinement of more promising projects (iteration). Once a digital experiment demonstrates positive results, it can be expanded and quickly implemented.

George Lenhart from the Hershey Company, will outline his company’s success leveraging the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Hershey has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars, minimized waste, and streamlined production by synergizing machine learning, automation, data collection and processing, and more. Lenhart will show attendees how this technology can help streamline their processes and change the way they do business.

“Although still in its infancy, IIoT technology is already proving to be a disruptive and transformative force that will reshape the manufacturing landscape and drive new and innovative solutions for asset management and the MRO supply chains that support that effort,” notes Jim Owens, SDI’s senior vice president of business development. “This event will be a great opportunity for learning, collaborating, and sharing expertise and experience related to real world, practical applications for IIoT.”

The third speaker will be Microsoft’s own Rich Ross, who will be showcasing his perspective on digitally transforming manufacturing and the effects it will have on our industry in the future.

Microsoft’s Technology Center is located at 45 Liberty Blvd, Suite 210 in Malvern, PA. Presentations will be followed by an optional networking lunch at 11:30 a.m. The event is free of charge, but space is limited. For the convenience of those unable to attend, Microsoft will broadcast the symposium live via Skype.

SDI is committed to helping organizations understand how each aspect of their procurement, production, inventory management, and other MRO supply chain operations are linked to each other and the entire enterprise. Through digitization, integration of the Industrial Internet of Things, and other tools, SDI helps clients achieve meticulous quality control, complete transparency, sustainable safety, environmental practices, and overall efficiency. To learn how we can help your company, contact us today.

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